The pathogenesis of both ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease is unknown
but these forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) may be associated with
an inability of the intestinal mucosa to protect itself from luminal challe
nges and/ or inappropriate repair following intestinal injury. Numerous cel
l populations regulate these broad processes through the expression of a co
mplex array of peptides and other agents. Growth factors can be distinguish
ed by their actions regulating cell proliferation. These factors also media
te processes such as extracellular matrix formation, cell migration and dif
ferentiation, immune regulation, and tissue remodeling. Several families of
growth factors may play an important role in IBD including: epidermal grow
th factor family (EGF) [transforming growth factor alpha (TGF alpha), EGF i
tself, and others], the transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta) super fa
mily, insulin-like growth factors (IGF), fibroblast growth factors (FGF), h
epatocyte growth factor (HGF), trefoil factors, platelet-derived growth fac
tor (PDGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and others. Collectiv
ely these families may determine susceptibility of IBD mucosa to injury and
facilitate tissue repair.