The principles for characterization of a multipoint measuring system of pho
tosynthetically active radiation are described. The absolute irradiance res
ponsivity, at a wavelength of 550 nm, and the relative spectral responsivit
y of the device are determined so that a calibration factor can be provided
to convert the readings of the device to the units of photosynthetically a
ctive radiation.
A high-accuracy spectrometer has been utilized for measuring the relative s
pectral responsivity of the system sensor. A reflection trap detector whose
spectral responsivity is traceable to a cryogenic radiometer has been used
as the reference detector. The absolute irradiance responsivity of the dev
ice has been determined by using a lamp with known spectral irradiance. The
combined standard uncertainty of this set of calibrations is 3.6% at l sig
ma level. The uncertainty is caused almost completely by the multipoint mea
suring system.