Eclogitic (E-type) and related parageneses of natural diamonds are represen
ted by suites of dia mend inclusions and xenoliths of diamondiferous eclogi
tes. Major-element data are presented for 32 coexisting minerals forming 19
bimineralic and trimineralic inclusions from diamonds, including omphacite
-orthopyroxene (1 sample), garnet-omphacite (5 samples), garnet-coesite (5
samples), omphacite-coesite (2 samples), garnet-picroilmenite (2 samples),
garnet-kyanite (1 sample), omphacite-phlogopite (2 samples), and garnet-omp
hacite-phlogopite (1 sample). Major-element variations of coexisting minera
ls are typical of corresponding eclogites. Omphacite with 5.02 wt% Na2O, in
tergrown with orthopyroxene with Mg#83.7, represents the first example of a
diamondiferous websterite paragenesis including Na-clinopyroxene. This ind
icates a broader range in mineral compositions of E-type-related websterite
-pyroxenite-associated diamonds than known previously. This unique websteri
te-pyroxenitic mineral assemblage represents a transitional paragenesis bet
ween peridotitic or ultramafic (U-type) and E-type parageneses.
Bimineralic eclogites, ilmenite eclogites, coesite + corundum + kyanite ecl
ogites, and grospydites occur not only as sets of inclusions in diamonds bu
t, with a few exceptions (ilmenite and coesite eclogites), also as diamondi
ferous eclogite xenoliths. The coesite eclogite paragenesis is a significan
t inclusion suite in diamonds, and was detected in about 15 diamond occurre
nces worldwide. It represents from 15% to 22% of all E-type diamonds in sev
eral occurrences, and thus should not be considered as rare.