L - ascorbic acid (vitamin C) plays important roles in human nutrition as w
ell as in food processing. L - ascorbic acid occurs naturally in fruits and
vegetables and citrus fruits are rich sources of this vitamin. The west In
dian cherry is reported to be the richest source of L -ascorbic acid. It ex
ists in a variety of tautomeric forms. Its chemical properties show reducin
g behaviour and it can form derivatives. Titrimetric and spectrophotometric
methods can be used for the analytical determination of L -ascorbic acid.
Commercially, L -ascorbic acid is manufactured either by enzymatic method o
r by a direct fermentation process. Ascorbic acid finds several application
s In food processing. It acts as a preservative to prevent enzymatic browni
ng during processing, as an antioxidant and it promotes clarity as well as
preservation of taste and flavour during beer and wine fermentation as well
as many other food processing operations. This paper critically reviews th
e various aspects of L-ascorbic acid such as its occurrence, chemistry, ana
lytical methods for its determination, commercial synthesis and its role In
food processing vis-a-vis human nutrition.