Posttraumatic headache can be a very difficult syndrome to manage, especial
ly if chronic. As with most other types of headache, medications are the pr
imary treatment modality, although there is very limited evidence-based dat
a to support any given approach. A number of physical interventions also ar
e available to be used in conjunction with medication. particularly for hea
daches with a musculoskeletal component. This article will review the gener
al principles of pharmacological treatment for headache and the physical ap
proach to treatment of headaches and head and facial pain. The major catego
ries of medications commonly used for treatment of many varieties of headac
he will be discussed. in addition, the problems encountered in diagnosing a
nd treating chronic daily headache and analgesic rebound headache are addre
ssed. The approach to treatment of such syndromes as myofascial pain, cervi
co-zygapophyseal joint pain, neuritic pain, and craniocervical somatic pain
are outlined.