This study evaluates the potential effectiveness of alternative child suppo
rt policies in reducing welfare program participation. Employing longitudin
al data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, the analysis addresses the
simultaneity of women's decisions regarding welfare participation, labor f
orce participation, and annual hours of work following marital breakup. The
estimation framework accounts for the endogeneity of child support payment
s with female labor supply and for the selection bias due to differential r
ates of remarriage among divorced/separated women. Results show that higher
child support payments would (i) decrease welfare participation and (ii) i
ncrease average hours of work. The empirical estimates are used to assess t
he potential effects of adopting alternative child support policies such as
the Wisconsin child support assurance system. These results suggest that l
arge potential welfare cost savings are attainable but significant reductio
ns in welfare participation rates would only be achieved through substantia
l improvements in child support enforcement or through government-assured c
hild support payments.