Previous studies have demonstrated that maladaptive behaviours are common a
mongst adults with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). Case reports have also prev
iously demonstrated that psychosis can occur amongst adults with PWS. The p
resent study was undertaken in order to gin a better understanding of the p
sychopathology of the psychosis of PWS. Twenty-three out of 25 adults ident
ified with PWS living in Northamptonshire, UK, agreed to participate. Compr
ehensive psychiatric assessments (using the PPSLD), and measures of adaptiv
e and maladaptive behaviours (using the AAMR-ABS) were completed. Compariso
ns were made for the prevalence of psychiatric disorders against those from
a previous epidemiological study of adults with intellectual disability of
other aetiologies from a neighbouring county. The PWS group was found to h
ave higher rates of affective disorders (a point prevalence of 17.4%), in w
hich psychotic symptoms were common, but similar rates of schizophrenia/del
usional disorders (4.3%) compared with the comparison group. Behaviour diso
rders were also common. Surprisingly, none of the PWS group was found to ha
ve generalized anxiety or phobic disorders. The diagnostic criteria for the
episodes including psychotic symptoms are explored. The high rates of affe
ctive disorders is of clinical (i.e. treatment) importance as well as being
of academic interest with regard to the genetics of psychiatric disorders.