Serving video-on-demand (VOD) traffic via isochronous transmission service
is highly desired because of the characteristics of VOD traffic. This paper
proposes a mechanism to transfer VOD traffic over wavelength division mult
iplexing (WDM) networks by employing isochronous transmission service. Base
d on the proposed mechanism, the problem of scheduling isochronous and asyn
chronous traffic for single-star WDM networks with multiple receivers and t
ransmitters is investigated. The lower bounds on the total switching durati
on and the number of switching modes for the isochronous and asynchronous t
raffic scheduling problem are derived. An optimal scheduling algorithm is p
resented for the cases where only asynchronous traffic exists; and a heuris
tic algorithm is also proposed for the cases where both the isochronous and
asynchronous traffic coexist in the WDM networks. Simulation results indic
ate that the average switching duration and the average number of switching
modes obtained by the proposed algorithm are close to the lower bounds, wh
ich implies that the proposed scheduling algorithm is effective.