Recent studies have shown surprising structural and functional similarities
between the motor domains of kinesin and myosin. Common features have also
been described for motor proteins and G proteins. Despite these similariti
es, the evolutionary relationships between these proteins, even among the m
otor proteins, has not been obvious, since the topological connectivities o
f the core overlapping structural elements in these transducing proteins ar
e not identical to one another. Using secondary structure topology, compari
son of functional domains and active site chemistry as criteria for related
ness, we propose a set of rules for determining potential evolutionary rela
tionships between proteins showing little or no sequence identity. These ru
les were used to explore the evolutionary relationship between kinesin and
myosin, as well as between motor proteins and other phosphate-loop (P-loop)
containing nucleotide-binding proteins. We demonstrate that kinesin and my
osin show significant chemical conservations within and outside of the acti
ve site, and present an evolutionary scheme that produces their respective
topologies from a hypothetical ancestral protein. We also show that, when c
ompared with various other P-loop-containing proteins, the cytoskeletal mot
ors are most similar to G proteins with respect to topology and active site
chemistry. We conclude that kinesin and myosin, and possibly G proteins, a
re probably directly related via divergent evolution from a common core nuc
leotide-binding motif, and describe the likely topology of this ancestor. T
hese proteins use similar chemical and physical mechanisms to both sense th
e state of the nucleotide bound in the active site, and then transmit these
changes to protein partners. The different topologies can be accounted for
by unique genetic insertions that add to the edge of a progenitor protein
structure and do not disrupt the hydrophobic core. (C) Kluwer Academic Publ