Flowfield solutions of a projectile with wraparound fins have been computed
in a supersonic region with a time-marching, three-dimensional Euler equat
ion. The roll moment coefficients were computed from the flow-field solutio
n and compared with the experimental results. The roll moment coefficient c
omputations show good agreement with the experimental measurements for vari
ous Eight Mach numbers. This shows that the Euler equations can give compar
ably accurate solutions when computing the roll moment of wraparound fin co
nfigurations. Comparing the flowfield solutions before and after the roll r
eversal, the roll reversal at higher Mach number than Mach 1 is thought to
be due to the effect of a compression/expansion wave from a neighboring fin
. Through the comparison with the previous results, it is shown that the ti
p shape, as well as the edge shape, has a significant effect on the roll mo
ment of the wraparound fin.