Polymer recycling must conform to thermodynamic laws and economic restricti
ons. The objective of polymer recycling is twofold: (t) the reduction of ru
bbish and the burden of waste polymers on the environment, and (2) the cons
ervation of resources. The environmental burden should be considered as par
t of the cost for employing polymers. Polymer input to landfills can be red
uced by source reduction, materials substitution, recycling, incineration,
and/or degradation or reduction to low molecular weight compounds. While th
e value of separated polymers is considerably greater than that of commingl
ed ones, the separation is often difficult and requires an energy investmen
t for "demixing". With present technology, this has not been justified for
more than about 25% of the polymer waste feedstock. For the rest, energy re
covery through incineration appears to be the thermodynamically and economi
cally sensible route.