In his 1813 book Flora Americae Septentrionalis, Frederick Pursh accounted
for 132 vascular plant: taxa found by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark on
their 1803-1806 trans-continental expedition to the Pacific Ocean. He prop
osed 94 new names based, at least in part, upon their specimens or what has
been assumed to be their specimens. He also mentioned Lewis and Clark spec
imens under 40 already published names. Considering what is mentioned by Pu
rsh in 1813 and what is known from herbaria, we can account for 202 differe
nt kinds of plants collected by Lewis and Clark-199 vascular and three non-
vascular, The non-vascular plants are not treated here; none is the basis o
f a new scientific name. Some 238 herbarium sheers harbor actual or purport
ed Lewis and Clark specimens. Our research suggests that four of these shee
ts represent material gathered by Thomas Nuttall in 1811, one sheet is gard
en material grown from seeds obtained by Nuttall, and a sixth is a cultivat
ed specimen grown from seeds collected by the explorers. All of the extant
specimens are identified and assigned modern names. NEOTYPES are designated
for various Pursh and Nuttall names: Astragalus tenellus, Krascheninnikovi
a lanata (based on Diotis lanata), Lathyrus decaphyllus, Lilium andinum, Li
lium umbellatum, Potentilla pensylvanica var. strigosa, and Xylosteum cilia
tum var. album. Numerous LECTOTYPES are selected to augment those establish
ed by others, most notably Paul Cutright (1969) and Joseph Ewan (1979): Ace
r circinatum, Acer macrophyllum, Actinella lanata, Amorpha nana, Artemisia
lewisii, Bartonia decapetala, Berberis aquifolium, Caprifolium ciliosum, Ce
rastium elongatum, Cleome serrulata, Dentaria tenella, Donia squarrosa, Ery
thronium grandiflorum, Gaultheria shallon, Geum ciliatum, Geum triflorum, H
ippophae argentea, Juniperus communis var. depressa, Juniperus sabina var.
procumbens, Lilium pudicum, Lupinaster macrocephalus, Mimulus lewisii, Phac
elia heterophylla, Philadelphus lewisii, Rhamnus alnifolius, Ribes aureum,
Ribes aureum var. villosum, Rubus spectabilis, Salvia trichostemmoides, San
tolina suaveolens, Spiraea capitata, Spiraea discolor, Symphoricarpos albus
var. laevigatus, Trifolium microcephalum, and Vaccinium ovatum. In all ins
tances we have maintained the current nomenclature and traditional circumsc
ription of each name.