The human being is a social and cultural being, so its obvious that the edu
cational preparation for the adolescent's life, should be understood as a s
ocial insertion, at thet rate, he is modelled as the pattern of the social
lobby he belongs to. As consequence of the values of the present postmodern
society, youth mean a social status wich members are excessively individua
lizae and in cointinue competition, with the unlucky consequences it bears,
from the emotional point of view (stress, anxiety) as well as from the app
renticeship. It is inside of these special coordenates of the extended adol
escence and lateness in the labourrinsertion, of movility and change where
the young people have to build their professional identity. To look into th
ese psicosocial variables it have been selected a 630 youth people, whom ha
ve contribute to look into their interpretation of the youth reality linked
to the esteemed aspects.