Approximately 40 micronutrients are required in the human diet. Deficiency
of vitamins B-12, folic acid, B-6, niacin, C, or E, or iron, or zinc, appea
rs to mimic radiation in damaging DNA by causing single- and double-strand
breaks, oxidative lesions, or both. The percentage of the US population tha
t has a low intake (< 50% of the RDA) for each of these eight micronutrient
s ranges from 2% to greater than or equal to 20%; half of the population ma
y be deficient in at least one of these micronutrients. Folate deficiency o
ccurs in approximately 10% of the US population, and in a much higher perce
ntage of the poor. Folate deficiency causes extensive incorporation of urac
il into human DNA (4 million/cell), leading to chromosomal breaks. This mec
hanism is the likely cause of the increased cancer risk, and perhaps the co
gnitive defects associated with low folate intake. Same evidence, and mecha
nistic considerations, suggest that vitamin B-12 and B-6 deficiencies also
cause high uracil and chromosome breaks. Micronutrient deficiency may expla
in, in good part, why the quarter of the population that eats the fewest fr
uits and vegetables (five portions a day is advised) has approximately doub
le the cancer rate for most types of cancer when compared to the quarter wi
th the highest intake. Eighty percent of American children and adolescents
and 68% of adults do not eat five portions a day. Common micronutrient defi
ciencies are likely to damage DNA by the same mechanism as radiation and ma
ny chemicals, appear to be orders of magnitude more important, and should b
e compared for perspective. Remedying micronutrient deficiencies is likely
to lead to a major improvement in health and an increase in longevity at lo
w cost.
Aging appears to be due, in good part, to the oxidants produced by mitochon
dria as by-products of normal metabolism. In old rats mitochondrial membran
e potential, cardiolipin levels, respiratory control ratio, and overall cel
lular O-2 consumption are lower than in young rats, and the level of oxidan
ts (per unit O-2) is higher. The level of mutagenic aldehydes from lipid pe
roxidation is also increased. Ambulatory activity declines markedly in old
rats. Feeding old rats the normal mitochondrial metabolites acetyl carnitin
e and lipoic acid for a few weeks, restores mitochondrial function, lowers
oxidants to the level of a young rat, and increases ambulatory activity. Th
us,these two metabolites can be considered necessary for health in old age
and are therefore conditional micronutrients. This restoration suggests a p
lausible mechanism: with age-increased oxidative damage to proteins and lip
id membranes causes a deformation of structure of key enzymes, with a conse
quent lessening of affinity (K-m) for the enzyme substrate; an increased le
vel of the substrate restores the velocity of the reaction, and thus restor
es function. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.