We represent and discuss etiology, diagnosis as well as differential diagno
ses of tuberculous orchtitis referring to an actual case of this rare disea
se. In the least of all cases one can conclude from the clinical symptoms o
n the tuberculous origin of the disease. Other differential diagnoses will
set more frequently due to rarity of this disease. Quite a lot of cases a b
acterial superinfection veils the sterile leucocyturia as main characterist
ic of genitourinary tuberculosis. Imaging diagnostics frequently fails to g
ive indications of tuberculous origin of the lesion. As before the evidence
of Mycobacteria tuberculosis is the most important parameter to proof a tu
berculosis. Despite required microbiological cultivation to make a resistog
ram the polymerase chain reaction is a high sensitive and comparable fast m
ethod for detection of Mycobacteria even from tissue. In such dubious cases
we recommend to perform an operative denudation due to frequently difficul
t delimitation from malignant testicular rumours.