To answer the question about the way our visual system processes images it
has to work with every day, it is necessary to investigate the statistical
structure of these pictures. For this purpose we investigated several ensem
bles of artificial and real-world greyscale images to find different invari
ance properties: translation invariance by determining an average pair-corr
elation function, scale invariance by investigating the power spectrum and
the coarse graining of the images, and a new hierarchical invariance recent
ly proposed [D. L. Ruderman, Network 5, 517 (1994)]. The results of our wor
k indicated that the assumption of translational invariance can be taken fo
r granted. Our results concerning the scale invariance are qualitatively th
e same as those found by Ruderman and others. The deviations of the distrib
utions of the logarithmically transformed images from a Gaussian distributi
on cannot be seen as clearly as stated by Ruderman. This results from the f
act that for a correct determination of the deviations the non-linear trans
formation must be considered. Depending on the preprocessing of the images
the results concerning the hierarchical invariance differed widely. It seem
s that this new invariance can be confirmed only for logarithmically transf
ormed images.