Results of 3 minimal invasive techniques for breast biopsy of clinically oc
cult lesion are presented.
1. Mammographically guided Site-Select biopsies allow removal tissue in one
piece using a large diameter core biopsy instrument (simular to the ABBI-p
rinciple). However the overlying subcutaneous tissue is saved. No technical
problems occurred in 13/13 diagnostic biopsies. Complete removal was, howe
ver, only possible in 2/4 tumors < 1 cm due to tissue shift during insertio
n of the instrument.
2. Mammographically guided vacuum biopsy also allows contiguous removal of
areas of 1.2-1.8 cm diameter, while blood is suctioned out, as well. 3 ster
eotaxic miscalculations were immediately recognized. Diagnostic accuracy in
405 biopsies so far is 100 %. The examination was very well tolerated by t
he patients.
3. By means of a specially developed biopsy coil and vacuum biopsy percutan
eous in- or excisional biopsy of enhancing lesions visible by MRI alone has
been realized by us for the first time. 24/25 diagnoses are definitely rep
resentative - as proven by lack of enhancement after biopsy. One diagnosis,
which was uncertain due to overlying blood, is being followed. Minimal inv
asive methods may open up new perspectives.