Jones and Davis's [1965. Advances in experimental social psychology. Academ
ic Press] notion of "personalism" was experimentally tested in a situation
in which behavior had negative hedonic relevance for the recipient. It was
hypothesized that (1) if a person is attacked by another person, this victi
m will react more negatively than when no attack occurs and that (2) a vict
im who is singled out for attack will react more negatively compared with v
ictims of an undistinctive attack (i.e., when the actor behaves similarly t
oward the victim and a third person). A 2 x 2 design was employed with "Vic
tim of attack" as the first factor (no attack vs, attack) and "Behaviour to
ward a third person" as the second factor (no attack vs. attack). The main
dependent variable was the number of attacks by the victim toward the attac
ker (retaliation). Thirty-two students took part in the experiment. Victims
of attack retaliated more against the attacker than those who suffered fro
m no attack. Victims of a personalistic attack retaliated more than victims
of an undistinctive attack. The results, confirming both hypotheses, suppo
rt an attributional view on harm-doing and contradict the notion of retalia
tion as pure behavioral reciprocity. (C) 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.