Subsurface soil compaction is a global problem that causes reduced plant gr
owth and yield. The objective of this study was to evaluate responses of va
rious growth and yield components of smooth bromegrass (Bromis inermis L. c
v. Magna) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv. Rambler) to subsurface compac
tion of sandy loam and clay Loam soils. Regression analysis indicated that
all growth variables measured (shoot biomass, root biomass, number of alfal
fa branches, number of smooth bromegrass tillers per plant, and leaf blade
or leaflet width and length) had a negative relationship with soil bulk den
sity in a Linear nature. However, these growth responses varied in their se
nsitivity to subsurface compaction. For alfalfa, the most sensitive variabl
e was the number of tertiary branches; for smooth bromegrass, shoot biomass
was most sensitive. Leaf blade or leaflet length was the least sensitive v
ariable to subsurface compaction. The study is unique in that it provides r
esponse curves for various plant growth responses, an assessment of the sen
sitivity of these parameters to subsurface compaction, and a data base for
modeling these relationships. This study also provides plant-based indicato
rs that should be related to soil-based indicators of compaction problems s
uch as bulk density and soil strength, which are often used to determine th
e extent of compaction.