This study investigated the influence of menstrual cycle and female sex ste
roid levels on ethanol pharmacokinetics. In a within-subjects design, 24 fe
male volunteers each consumed 0.67 ethanol during the menstrual an
d luteal phases of their menstrual cycle. On each test day, we collected bl
ood samples before ethanol administration to determine estradiol (E-2) and
progesterone (P) levels and to confirm ovulation, We took 20 or more postdr
ink breath ethanol concentration readings and examined pharmacokinetic diff
erences between the two phases, using classical pharmacokinetic measures, a
s well as Michaelis-Menten measures. Despite highly significant differences
in measured E-2 as well as P levels on the 2 test days, and despite exclud
ing subjects with anovulatory cycles from the analysis, there were no signi
ficant differences between menstrual and luteal phases for any of the pharm
acokinetic variables. We found no correlation between E-2 or P levels and a
ny of the pharmacokinetic measures. In summary, we found no evidence that t
he tested menstrual cycle phases or varying E-2 and progesterone levels sig
nificantly influence ethanol pharmacokinetics, Because previous studies abo
ut the topic have used few subjects and revealed controversial results, we
consider our negative findings based on 24 subjects meaningful.