Therapeutic advances have changed the mode of presentation of cardiac failu
re over the last decades : the main cause, nowadays, is myocardial ischaemi
The modern treatment of cardiac failure is based on relatively simple physi
opathological mechanisms which take into account the different aspects of c
ardiac physiology : a pump, a muscle, a coronary circulation supplying oxyg
en to the myocardium, an automatic contraction. The concept of vasodilatati
on and the blocking of vasoconstrictive systems introduced during the 70s i
s the basis of modern treatment of cardiac failure which involves angiotens
in converting enzyme inhibitors and, increasingly, betablockers. In the nea
r future, with earlier treatment of cardiac failure, the stimulation of vas
odilator systems could become a new therapeutic strategy.
Early detection of ischaemia and its complications with the aim of limiting
the loss of cardiac myocytes is a priority for slowing the progression of
cardiac failure. The prevention of cardiac failure also depends on educatin
g cardiologists to treat rapidly the factors predisposing to or prolonging
episodes of even mild cardiac failure.