Clones of an African cassava mosaic virus isolate originating from Nigeria
(ACMV-NOg) were shown to be infectious to cassava by biolistic inoculation.
The production of pseudorecombinants between ACMV-NOg and clones of an ACM
V isolate originating from Kenya (ACMV-K) indicated that the lack of infect
ivity of ACMV-K to cassava was due to defect(s) in the DNA B genomic compon
ent; this component encodes two proteins involved in cell-to-cell movement.
This is the first demonstration of infectivity of a cloned geminivirus to
cassava and conclusively proves that ACMV is the causative agent of cassava
mosaic disease. The potential uses of infectious ACMV clones and the means
by which to introduce them into cassava are discussed.