A binary black hole model has been used to calculate the optical light curv
e of the quasar OJ287 in the 1990's. So far the model has been successful i
n predicting three outbursts and one fade; an accidental probability of cor
rect predictions is less than one part in a million. Thus we may use the mo
del to probe the structure of the quasar below 10(-6) arcsec resolution. Th
e most important information in this respect comes from the 1989 and 1998 f
ades which are interpreted as eclipses in the model. The time delays from r
adio to optical in 1989 may be used to position the emission regions in the
jet, and the 1998 fade provides further constraints on the model. A high r
elativistic Lorentz factor (gamma similar or equal to 10(2) - 10(3)) is sug
gested, in agreement with microvariability data by Dreher et al., A direct
link between the jet emission regions and the accretion disk is suggested b
y matching the radio and optical light curves with the transfer rates of ma
tter in the accretion disk at different radial distances. This link may be
provided by magnetospheric field lines.