Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is an established method for sensing analyt
es by monitoring changes in the plasmon dispersion relation (PDR) at the in
ter-face of a thin metal film and a fluid. When SPR is used in sensors for
specific analytes, the changes in the plasmon dispersion relation of intere
st are generated by the binding of analytes to receptors immobilized to the
metal film. However, changes in the PDR can also be generated by changes i
n the index of refraction of the bulk solution containing the analytes via
changes in composition or temperature. Thus, there exist inherent systemati
c errors in SPR based chemical sensing when temperature and/or concentratio
n conditions are not carefully controlled. We have demonstrated the efficac
y of a single, simple, and inexpensive method for simultaneously discrimina
ting both effects from those of binding and/or debinding of analytes with a
two-element SPR sensor array. Although two-element SPR arrays have been us
ed before, their ability to simultaneously discriminate out both thermal an
d bulk-composition (TAB) effects (in both SPR spectroscopic and spectrophot
ometric schemes) has not been previously addressed. We show an example of a
relatively inexpensive SPR biosensor instrument using a compensator elemen
t and its stability over a period of days. This demonstration has implicati
ons for the development of reliable SPR based chemical sensors for environm
ental and remote sensing applications. (C) 1999 Published by Elsevier Scien
ce S.A. All rights reserved.