Many factors play a role in tumour angiogenesis. We observed growing tumour
Vessels in vivo to study the relationship between blood flow and Vascular
enlargement. Mammary adenocarcinoma was implanted into Fisher-344 rat with
dorsal skin-fold transparent chambers. Vascular growth was observed and rec
orded on videotape through a microscope for 6 h. Vascular networks were pho
tographed and traced every 30 min to identify changes over time. Tumour sec
tions were stained with Masson's trichrome and anti-factor VIII-related ant
igen. Tumour growth was rapid enough for differences to be seen each hour.
Vessels with a high blood flow showed an increase in diameter within a few
hours and new branches formed from these vessels. in contrast, vessels with
out an increase in blood flow showed no change in diameter. Vessels within
the interstitium surrounding the tumour were lined by endothelium that was
positive for anti-factor VIII-related antigen staining. Vessels in the tumo
ur had extremely rare endothelial cells detectable by Masson's trichrome or
anti-factor VIII-related antigen staining. In conclusion, increased blood
flow may cause vascular enlargement and some primitive Vessels seem to lack