OBJECTIVE To develop an evidence-based systematic approach to assessment of
adult patients who present to family physicians complaining of fatigue of
less than 6 months' duration. The guidelines present investigative options,
making explicit what should be considered in all cases and what should be
considered only in specific situations. They aim to provide physicians with
an approach that, to the extent possible, is based on evidence so that tim
e and cost are minimized and detection and management of the cause of the f
atigue are optimized.
QUALITY OF EVIDENCE MEDLINE was searched from 1966 to 1997 using the key wo
rds "family practice" and "fatigue." Articles about chronic fatigue syndrom
e were excluded, Articles with level 3 evidence were found, but no randomiz
ed trials, cohort studies, or case-control studies were found. Articles loo
king specifically at the epidemiology, demographics, investigations, and di
agnoses of patients with fatigue were chosen. Articles based on studies at
referral and specialty centres were given less weight than those based on s
tudies in family physicians' offices.
MAIN MESSAGE Adherence to these guidelines will decrease the cost of invest
igating the symptom of fatigue and optimize diagnosis and management. This
needs to be proved in practice, however, and with research that produces le
vel 1 and 2 evidence.
CONCLUSIONS Adults presenting with fatigue of less than 6 months' duration
should be assessed for psychosocial causes and should have a focused histor
y and physical examination to determine whether further investigations shou
ld be done. The guidelines outline investigations to be considered. The eld
erly require special consideration. These guidelines have group validation,
but they need to be tested by more physicians in various locations and typ
es of practices.