We compared the bronchodilating effect and tolerability of salbutamol admin
istered by means of 2 Easyhaler models in a double-masked, randomized, cros
sover study in 20 adult patients with chronic asthma. Spirometry Tvas done
immediately before and 15, 30, 45, 60, 120, 180, and 240 minutes after salb
utamol administration using Easyhalers. An analysis of variance and Hodges-
Lehman estimation were used in the statistical analysis. Bronchodilating ef
ficacy and tolerability were similar in both the old and new versions of Ea
syhaler concerning administration of salbutamol into the lungs. Maximal rel
ative changes in forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) were 12.9% and
13.2% after use of the new and old versions of Easyhaler, respectively. Ab
solute FEV, values and areas under the FEV, curve were also similar after u
se of both Easyhaler models. Easyhaler is a rational substitute for metered
-dose inhalers in administering salbutamol into the lungs because chloroflu
orocarbon propellants will be banned as soon as alternative ways exist to t
reat asthma. Key words: salbutamol, Easyhaler, chronic asthma.