Acute changes in the blood glucose concentration affect the intensity of ga
strointestinal sensations. The aim of this study was to examine the effects
of hyperglycemia on cortical potentials evoked by esophageal distension. I
n 16 healthy volunteers, a balloon was positioned in the lower esophagus, A
series of 50 distensions was performed at both a lower volume (producing d
efinite sensation) and a higher volume (producing unpleasant sensation), at
blood glucose concentrations of 5 and 13 mmol/liter. Triphasic cortical po
tentials were recorded from a midline scalp electrode (Cz). During euglycem
ia, interpeak amplitudes were greater at the higher than the lower balloon
volume (P < 0.005). At the lower balloon volume, the interpeak amplitudes w
ere greater during hyperglycemia than euglycemia (P < 0.05), There was no e
ffect of the blood glucose concentration on amplitude at the higher balloon
volume. We conclude that in healthy subjects, the amplitude of the cortica
l response to moderate, but not unpleasant, esophageal distension is greate
r during hyperglycemia when compared to euglycemia, These observations are
consistent with the concept of increased intensity of gut sensation during