Logarithmic relaxation associated with the electrochemical oxidation of con
ducting polymer films after polarization to high cathodic potentials for lo
ng periods of time can be explained by means of the electrochemically stimu
lated conformational relaxation (ESCR) model. The key idea in the ESCR trea
tment is that conducting films attain a compacted and closed structure as t
hey are submitted to cathodic polarization Moreover, longer reduction times
promote a higher compactness of the polymeric structure, making difficult
the exchange of counterions between the polymer and the solution during fur
ther oxidation, which therefore must be preceded by the relaxation of the s
tructure. A logarithmic dependence between the coefficient of cathodic pola
rization (z(c)) and the wait time was obtained from chronoamperometric anal
ysis. The ESCR model makes use of this result to explain the retard observe
d in both anodic chronoamperograms and voltammograms as the cathodic polari
zation time is shifted to higher values. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All
rights reserved.