Ecosystem management has been adopted as the philosophical paradigm guiding
management on many federal forests in the United States. The strategic goa
l of ecosystem management is to find a sensible middle ground between ensur
ing long-term protection of the environment while allowing an increasing po
pulation to use its natural resources for maintaining and improving human l
ife. Ecosystem management has all the characteristics of 'wicked' problems
that are tricky, complex, and thorny. Ambiguities, conflicts, internal inco
nsistencies, unknown but large costs, lack of organized approaches, institu
tional shock and confusion, lack of scientific understanding of management
consequences, and turbulent, rapidly changing power centers all contribute
to the wickedness of the ecosystem management paradigm. Given that ecosyste
m management, Like human survival and welfare, is a wicked problem, how can
we proceed to tame it? Managers need to use the same tools that people hav
e always used for handling such problems - knowledge, organization, judicio
us simplification, and inspired leadership. The generic theory of decision
support system development and application is well developed. Numerous spec
ific ecosystem management decision support systems (EM-DSS) have been devel
oped and are evolving in their capabilities. There is no doubt that given a
set of ecosystem management processes to support and adequate time and res
ources, effective EM-DSS can be developed. On the other hand, there is cons
iderable doubt that sufficiently detailed, explicitly described and widely
accepted processes for implementing ecosystem management can be crafted giv
en the current institutional, educational, social and political climate. A
socio-political climate in which everyone wants to reap the benefits and no
one wants to pay the costs, incapacitates the federal forest management de
cision making process. Developing a workable ecosystem management process a
nd the decision making tools to support it is probably one of the most comp
lex and urgent challenges facing us today. This paper offers a concise revi
ew of the state of the art of decision support systems related to implement
ing ecosystem management. A conceptual model of the context in which ecosys
tem management is expected to function is presented. Next, a candidate for
an operational ecosystem management process is described and others are ref
erenced. Finally, a generic ecosystem management decision support system is
presented and many existing systems briefly described. (C) Published by El
sevier Science 1999.