The blood-brain barrier is formed by the endothelial cells of the brain cap
illaries. Its primary characteristic is the impermeability of the capillary
wall due to the presence of complex tight junctions and a low endocytic ac
tivity. Essential nutrients are delivered to the brain by selective transpo
rt mechanisms, such as the glucose transporter and a variety of amino acid
transporters. Although most drugs enter the brain by passive diffusion thro
ugh the endothelial cells depending on their lipophilicity, degree of ioniz
ation, molecular weight, relative brain tissue and plasma bindings, some ot
hers can use specific endogenous transporters. In such cases, binding compe
tition on the transporter with endogenous products or nutrients can occur a
nd limits drug transfer. The blood-brain barrier can be a major impediment
for the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system, since many dru
gs are unable to reach this organ at therapeutic concentrations. Various at
tempts have been made to overcome the limiting access of drugs to the brain
, e.g. chemical modification, development of more hydrophobic analogs or li
nking an active compound to a specific carrier. Transient opening of the bl
ood-brain barrier in humans has been achieved by intracarotid infusion of h
ypertonic mannitol solutions or of bradykinin analogs. Another way to incre
ase or decrease brain delivery of drugs is to modulate the P-glycoprotein (
P-gp) whose substrates are actively pumped out the cell into the capillary
lumen. Many P-gp inhibitors or inducers are available to enhance the therap
eutic effects of centrally acting drugs or to decrease central adverse effe
cts of peripherally active drugs. (C) Elsevier, Paris.