Phytoplankton of Kenyir reservoir (04 degrees 47' N to 5 degrees 15' N and
102 degrees 32' E to 102 degrees 55' E) was studied during 1992. Chlorophyt
a was the most dominant group followed by Cyanobacteria, Euglenophyta, Pyrr
hophyta, Bacillariophyceae and Chrysophyceae. Dominant species were mainly
the desmids; Cosmarium and Staurastrum. Chlorophyll a concentrations and ph
ytoplankton productivity ranged from <1.1 mg/m(3) to 38.5 mg/m(3) and from
< 2.8 - 54.4 mgC/m(3)/hr respectively. Maximum phytoplankton density, net p
rimary productivity and chlorophyll a occurred before the onset and immedia
tely after the monsoon season in November-January. Total phytoplankton dens
ities were highest in the top 5 m and decreased with depth. However, maximu
m primary productivity and chlorophyll a concentrations were found near the
metalimnion (10 -15 m) which could be due to high autotrophic bacterial po
pulation at this depth. Occurrence of high phytoplankton densities and prod
uction during the pre and post monsoon period was probably due to the intru
sion of the nutrient enriched water from the hypolimnion brought about by t
he cooler temperature and water turbulence during this period.