Microfossiliferous marine sediments of the Imperial Formation exposed in th
e Whitewater and Cabazon areas, near San Gorgonio Pass, southern California
, are late Miocene in age and were deposited at intertidal to outer neritic
depths, and possibly upper bathyal depths. A late Miocene age of 7.4 to >6
.04 hla is based on the ranges of age-diagnostic benthic foraminifers (Cass
idulina delicata and Uvigerina peregrina), planktic foraminifers (Globigeri
noides obliquus, G. extremus, and Globigerina nepenthes; zones N17-N19), an
d calcareous nannoplankton (Discoaster brouweri, D. aff. D. surculus, Retic
ulofenestra pseudoumbilicata, Sphenolithus abies, and S. neoabies; zones CN
9a-CN11) coupled with published K/Ar dates from the underlying Coachella Fo
rmation (10.1 +/- 1.2 Ma; Peterson, 1975) and overlying Painted Hill Format
ion (6.04 +/- 0.18 and 5.94 +/- 0.18 Ma; J. L. Morton in Matti and others,
1985 and Matti and Morton, 1993), Paleoecologic considerations (sea-level f
luctuations and paleotemperature) restrict the age of the Imperial Formatio
n to 6.5 through 6.3 Il la.
Benthic foraminiferal assemblages indicate that the Imperial Formation in t
he Whitewater and Cabazon sections accumulated at inner neritic to outer ne
ritic (0-152 m) and possibly upper bathyal (152-244 m) depths. Shallowing t
o inner neritic depths occurred as the upper part of the section was deposi
ted. This sea-level fluctuation corresponds to a global highstand at 6.3 Ma
;la (Haq and others, 1987), Planktic foraminifers suggest an increase in su
rface-water temperatures upsection, A similar increase in paleotemperatures
is interpreted for the North Pacific from 6.5 to 6.3 Ma (warm interval W10
of Barren and Keller, 1983),
Environmental contrasts between the Whitewater and Cabazon sections of the
Imperial Formation provide evidence for right-lateral displacements on the
Banning fault, a late Miocene strand of the San Andreas fault system. The C
abazon section Lies south of the Banning fault, and has been displaced west
relative to the Whitewater sections. The Cabazon section was deposited at
greater depths, suggesting that it accumulated farther offshore than the Wh
itewater section. If the Salton Trough was a southward-opening, elongated n
orthwest-southeast basin similar to the modern Gulf of California, the Caba
zon sequence probably has been displaced right-laterally from a position fa
rther southeast of the Whitewater sequence. This relation requires late Mio
cene displacements greater than the present 12 km cross-fault separation be
tween the two Imperial sections in the San Gorgonio Pass area.