Gene manipulation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been slow in coming of
age owing to the inherent difficulties associated with working on this aero
sol-transmitted pathogen, in addition to the paucity of molecular tools suc
h as plasmids and transposons. One of the early approaches to overcome thes
e difficulties was the development of phasmids, which combined the properti
es of phages and plasmids and allowed introduction of recombinant genes int
o mycobacteria. The lone plasmid pAL5000 of mycobacteria has been exploited
to its fullest potential in the construction of a plethora of vectors. Abo
ve all, the single most important achievement has been the development of e
legant and innovative approaches to overcome the problem of illegitimate re
combination which threatened the success of allelic-exchange mutagenesis in
the slow-growing pathogenic mycobacterial species. In this review I discus
s the current status of conditionally replicating plasmid and transposon ve
ctors and their application in generating targeted mutations in mycobacteri