The detection of within- and between-population genetic variability in the
Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, a difficult species
to work with because Of its genotypic homogeneity, longevity, and clonal gr
owth, has been achieved through the development of six polymorphic microsat
ellite markers. The development of these markers is significant because pre
vious studies indicate extreme levels of clonality in this seagrass species
using minisatellite multilocus DNA fingerprints and RAPD markers. A furthe
r eight microsatellite regions were found to be monomorphic, but wider and
more extensive population surveys may find variation with these microsatell
ite regions. Ten of the 14 microsatellite regions were observed to be prese
nt in two Australian con generic species, P. australis and P. sinuosa, sugg
esting that there is potential for their wide application in population gen
etic analyses in this genus. These markers represent an important contribut
ion to population genetic analysis in seagrasses, a group of considerable i
nterest because of their important role in nearshore benthic marine communi
ties worldwide.