Primary production, microbial production and the density of planktonic micr
oheterotrophs were estimated at 40 stations in the Okhotsk Sea in July-Augu
st 1992 during the seasonal phytoplankton minimum. The primary production b
y phytoplankton remained rather high even during this minimum. At most stat
ions it was >0.6-0.8 g m(-2) day(-1), and in leftover patches of spring dia
tom 'bloom' it reached >5 g C m(-2) day(-1). The deep maxima of phytoplankt
on at the upper boundary of the seasonal thermocline were an ordinary pheno
menon. The depth of the euphotic zone was normally 30-50 m in the open sea
and 12-25 m at the shelf stations. Any correlations between the phosphate c
ontents in the upper mixed layer and primary production were absent at the
stations. There was no adaptation of the phytoplankton to the light deficie
ncy in deep maxima layers. The total numbers of bacterioplankton were 1-1.5
x 10(6) ml(-1) and its biomass was close to 100 mg m(-3) in the open sea.
All these numbers were 2-3 times greater at the shelf stations. In deep wat
ers, the bacterio-plankton biomass decreased to 10-40 mg m(-3). The microbi
al production in the upper layer was high, at 50-100 mg m(-3), decreasing 5
0-100 times in the deep waters. The numbers of ciliates in the upper water
layer varied from 3 to 6 x 10(3) l(-1) and were 1.5-2 times greater than in
the shelf areas. Ciliate biomass was 60-100 mg m(-3) in the upper mixed la
yer, and per square metre varied to 1.5-2.5 g. The dominant ciliate taxa be
longed to the naked oligotrichid genera Strombidium and Tontonia. Tentative
calculations were made of the basin's annual primary production and for th
e analysis of energy balance in the ecosystem.