Objective: To determine measured resting energy expenditure (REE) of nonamb
ulatory tube-fed patients with severe neurological neurodevelopmental disab
Methods: Twenty patients were prospectively studied. Only steady state indi
rect calorimetry measurements were taken. All measurements were conducted u
sing a canopy system. Nutritional needs were met entirely by enteral feedin
gs via a permanent ostomy.
Results: REE was widely distributed from 16 kcals/kg/day to 39 kcals/kg/day
. The mean REE (888+/-176 kcals/day) of the patients was significantly (p<0
.01) lower than predicted as estimated by the Harris-Benedict equations (10
81+/-155 kcals/day) and World Health Organization equations (1194+/-167 kca
ls/day). Fat-free mass (FFM) was the best parameter for predicting REE. Two
predictive equations were developed that are not significantly biased and
more precise (less than or equal to 15% error) than conventional predictive
Conclusion: Conventional formulas for estimating energy expenditure are ina
ccurate and generally overestimate measured energy expenditure of nonambula
tory patients with severe developmental disabilities.