A principle of Saint-Venant type is established for the theory of linear mi
cropolar elastodynamics, and the connection that exists between this princi
ple and the domain of influence theorems, uniqueness theorems, and continuo
us dependence theorems is discussed. The body, which is assumed to be of ar
bitrary regular shape and is subjected to loadings that possess a bounded s
upport (D) over cap(T) for the time interval [0, T], can be bounded or unbo
unded. According to this principle, there exists a constant c > 0 such that
a certain energetic measure of the displacement vanishes for r greater tha
n or equal to ct and decays to zero for r less than or equal to ct, where r
is the distance from a generic point to the support (D) over cap(T) and t
is any time in the interval [0, T]. The decay rate is controlled by the fac
tor 1 - r/(ct).