In functional electrical stimulation (FES) systems for restoring walking in
spinal cord injured (SCI) individuals, hand switches are the preferred met
hod for controlling stimulation timing. Through practice the user becomes a
n 'expert' in determining when stimulation should be applied. Neural networ
ks have been used to 'clone' this expertise but these applications have use
d small numbers of sensors, and their structure has used a binary output, g
iving rise to possible controller oscillations. It was proposed that a thre
e-layer structure neural network with continuous function, using a larger n
umber of sensors, including 'virtual' sensors, can be used to 'clone' this
expertise to produce good controllers. Using a sensor set of ten force sens
ors and another of 13 'virtual' kinematic sensors, a good FES control syste
m was constructed using a three-layer neural network with five hidden nodes
. The sensor set comprising three sensors showed the best performance. The
accuracy of the optimum three-sensor set for the force sensors and the virt
ual kinematic sensors was 90% and 93%, respectively, compared with 81% and
77% for a heel switch. With 32 synchronised sensors, binary neural networks
and continuous neural networks were constructed and compared. The networks
using continuous function had significantly fewer oscillations. continuous
neural networks offer the ability to generate good FES controllers.