In a field experiment the rhizosphere effect of barley, pea and white
mustard on the nematode-trapping fungi were investigated throughout a
growing season. The densities of nematode-trapping fungi were slightly
increased in the rhizospheres compared to the root-free soil. Pea rhi
zosphere had the greatest numbers of species of nematophagous fungi wi
th an average of 2.4 species recovered from 0.1 g material, and in whi
te mustard and barley rhizospheres and root-free soil less than 1.7 sp
ecies were recovered from 0.1 g. Arthrobotrys oligospora was the most
common species in both soil and rhizosphere. In a pot experiment the r
hizosphere effect of pea and barley on nematophagous fungi was investi
gated in 5 different agricultural soils. Pea rhizosphere increased the
densities of nematode-trapping fungi, and up to 780 propagules of nem
atode-trapping fungi g(-1) rhizosphere soil were found, which was arou
nd 19 times higher than in the root-free soil. The number of nematodes
were 6-290 times higher in the pea rhizosphere than in the root-free
soil. Barley rhizosphere had little effect on the densities of nematod
e-trapping fungi, while the number of nematodes increased by 3-13 time
s. The most commonly detected species were A. oligospora, Stylopage sp
. and network-forming Monacrosporium species, but there were no big di
fferences in the species composition between the rhizosphere and the r
oot-free soil.