A gene (cpd1) coding for the dimethylallyltryptophan synthase (DMATS) that
catalyzes the first specific step in the biosynthesis of ergot alkaloids, w
as cloned from a strain of Claviceps purpurea that produces alkaloids in ax
enic culture. The derived gene product (CPD1) shows only 70% similarity to
the corresponding gene previously isolated from Claviceps strain ATCC 26245
, which is likely to be an isolate of C. fusiformis. Therefore, the related
cpd1 most probably represents the first C. purpurea gene coding for an enz
ymatic step of the alkaloid biosynthetic pathway to be cloned. Analysis of
the 3'-flanking region of cpd1 revealed a second, closely linked ergot alka
loid biosynthetic gene named cpps1, which codes for a 356-kDa polypeptide s
howing significant similiarity to fungal modular peptide synthetases. The p
rotein contains three amino acid-activating modules, and in the second modu
le a sequence is found which matches that of an internal peptide (17 amino
acids in length) obtained from a tryptic digest of lysergyl peptide synthet
ase 1 (LPS1) of C. purpurea, thus confirming that cpps1 encodes LPS1. LPS1
activates the three amino acids of the peptide portion of ergot peptide alk
aloids during D-lysergyl peptide assembly. Chromosome walking revealed the
presence of additional genes upstream of cpd1 which are probably also invol
ved in ergot alkaloid biosynthesis: cpox1 probably codes for an FAD-depende
nt oxidoreductase (which could represent the chanoclavine cyclase), and a s
econd putative oxidoreductase gene, cpox2, is closely linked to it in inver
se orientation. RT-PCR experiments confirm that all four genes are expresse
d under conditions of peptide alkaloid biosynthesis. These results strongly
suggest that at least some genes of ergot alkaloid biosynthesis in C. purp
urea are clustered, opening the way for a detailed molecular genetic analys
is of the pathway.