During the development of multicellular organisms, gene expression must be
tightly regulated, both spatially and temporally, One set of transcription
factors that are important in animal development is encoded by the homeotic
(Hox) genes, which govern the choice between alternative developmental pat
hways along the anterior-posterior axis(1,2). Hox proteins, such as Drosoph
ila Ultrabithorax, have low DNA-binding specificity by themselves but gain
affinity and specificity when they bind together with the homeoprotein Extr
adenticle (or Pbx1 in mammals)(3,4). To understand the structural basis of
Hox-Extradenticle pairing, we determine here the crystal structure of an Ul
trabithorax-Extradenticle-DNA complex at 2.4 Angstrom resolution, using the
minimal polypeptides that form a cooperative heterodimer. The Ultrabithora
x and Extradenticle homeodomains bind opposite faces of the DNA, with their
DNA-recognition helices almost touching each other. However, most of the c
ooperative interactions arise from the YPWM amino-acid motif of Ultrabithor
ax-located amino-terminally to its homeodomain-which forms a reverse turn a
nd inserts into a hydrophobic pocket on the Extradenticle homeodomain surfa
ce. Together, these protein-DNA and protein-protein interactions define the
general principles by which homeotic proteins interact with Extradenticle
(or Pbx1) to affect development along the anterior-posterior axis of animal