Single-crystalline buried 3C-SiC layers with rectangular carbon concentrati
on profiles can be formed in silicon by ion beam synthesis using high-dose
carbon implantation at constant or intentionally varied target temperatures
and subsequent annealing at 1250 degrees C. Layer formation during anneali
ng starts from a box-shaped depth distribution of equally sized SiC nanocry
stals present after implantation. In this paper, some of the mechanisms inv
olved in the evolution of this precipitate depth distribution, including th
e nucleation, the growth and the ballistic destruction of precipitates as w
ell as the carbon mediated amorphization induced by the release of high con
centrations of carbon atoms From destroyed precipitates are described on th
e basis of cross-sectional TEM and high-resolution TEM investigations as we
ll as Monte-Carlo simulations. (C) 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
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