Although broken chromosomes can induce apoptosis, natural chromosome ends (
telomeres) do not trigger this response. It is shown that this suppression
of apoptosis involves the telomeric-repeat binding factor 2 (TRF2), Inhibit
ion of TRF2 resulted in apoptosis in a subset of mammalian cell types, The
response was mediated by p53 and the ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated) ki
nase, consistent with activation of a DNA damage checkpoint. Apoptosis was
not due to rupture of dicentric chromosomes formed by end-to-end fusion, in
dicating that telomeres Lacking TRF2 directly signal apoptosis, possibly be
cause they resemble damaged DNA. Thus, in some cells, telomere shortening m
ay signal cell death rather than senescence.