Objectives: To investigate the relationship between bacterial vaginosis dur
ing pregnancy and black race/ethnicity,
Study Design: Gram staining was used to evaluate vaginal flora in 842 women
at 23 to 29 weeks' gestation.
Results: Overall, 22.3% of blacks and 8.5% of whites had bacterial vaginosi
s, Vaginal pH and flora differed significantly by race/ethnicity; blacks we
re more likely to have pH greater than or equal to 4.5, no lactobacilli, sm
all gram-variable and -negative rods, and Mobiluncus compared with whites (
odds ratios 1.6, 1.5, 1.4, and 10.6, respectively). Quantity of morphotypes
also differed, especially for Mobiluncus. Among women with Mobiluncus pres
ent (12.0% of blacks and 1.3% of whites), 73.3% of blacks compared with 40.
0% of whites had the highest level. Adjustment for sociodemographics, sexua
l activity, sexually trandmitted diseases, health behavior, and sexual hygi
ene did not explain these differences.
Conclusion: We observed race/ethnicity differences in vaginal flora ecology
. These differences may ultimately play a rule in the larger proportion of
preterm deliveries among black women compared with white women.