Each one of n users consumes an idiosyncratic commodity produced in indivis
ible units. The n commodities are jointly produced by a central facility an
d total cost must be shared by the users.
A "sequential stand alone mechanism" shares costs incrementally according t
o a fixed ordering of the users: the first user always pays stand alone cos
t, the second pays the stand alone cost of the first two users minus that o
f the first and so on. If the second derivatives of costs are of a constant
sign, such a method yields a unique strong equilibrium at every profile of
convex preferences in the game where each user chooses his own demand. Thi
s equilibrium, in turn, defines a coalition strategy-proof social choice fu
Under decreasing marginal costs and submodular costs, the sequential stand
alone mechanisms are almost characterized by these properties; the only exc
eption is the binary demand case teach agent consumes zero or one unit) whe
re a rich family of cost sharing methods (the Shapley value among them) yie
lds a coalition strategy-proof equilibrium selection. Under increasing marg
inal costs and supermodular costs, coalition strategy-proofness characteriz
es a richer family of cost sharing methods: they give out one unit at a tim
e while charging marginal costs, with the users taking turns according to a
sequence fixed in advance. These methods contain serial cost sharing as a
limit case.