The hydrodynamic behavior of countercurrent extractors is described by bala
ncing numbers of incoming and outcoming drops against those formed and dest
royed by breakage and coalescence. The laws for these processes are still p
oorly understood, and no reliable experimental data exist. Special empirica
l equations were, therefore, derived from measurements in a stirred cell. U
sing a simplified model a computer program for simulating the variation of
the drop-size distribution along the height of a pilot-plant sized stirred
column solved the equations for all column stages and preselected character
istic drop volumes. A comprehensive set of holdup and drop-size distributio
n profiles measured earlier with the same column and o-xylene dispersed in
water has been simulated with the average mean deviation of local drop-size
distributions not exceeding 20%. Transitional phenomena such as the startu
p time necessary for obtaining a new steady state after changing the operat
ing parameters and the flooding were successfully predicted.