We describe five new cases of tracheal agenesis and report on epidemiologic
al and numerical analyses of nearly 100 such cases with multiple congenital
anomalies. Malformations seen with tracheal agenesis form patterns which o
verlap with, but are distinct from, VACTERL association. They have a high f
requency of other lower respiratory tract anomalies; e.g., laryngeal atresi
a and lung lobation defects, and complex heart anomalies, but fewer anal an
d vertebral malformations. Cluster analysis of the malformations in 86 pati
ents identified four consistent groups. Anomalies in the first group were p
rimarily restricted to the trachea, larynx, and cardiovascular system. In t
he second group, the patients had more severe cardiac defects, and lung lob
ation anomalies, while in the third they had a caudal component in addition
to thoracic abnormalities, with anal and renal anomalies being common. Eac
h of these groups showed a male excess and may represent increasingly sever
e perturbations in development fields encompassing the developing respirato
ry tract. Although the nature of the causative insult is unknown and probab
ly heterogenous, one underlying pathogenetic mechanism may be abnormal epit
helial-mesenchymal interactions. Patients in the fourth group also had mult
isystem involvement with a high incidence of aberrant vessels, complex card
iac malformations, lung lobation defects, and anomalies of other foregut de
rivatives. The sex ratio in this group was normal and such cases could repr
esent a disturbance in the primary development field during blastogenesis w
ith secondary vascular disruptions. Complete tracheal agenesis is a lethal
anomaly. However, segmental forms may be correctable and, in this group of
infants, the nature of associated anomalies may well determine long-term pr
ognosis. (C) 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.