High-pressure Brillouin scattering experiments were conducted on three natu
ral, single-crystal garnets with near end-member compositions: pyrope (Mg3A
l2Si3O12), grossular (Ca3Al2Si3O12), and andradite (Ca3Fe23+Si3O12). Acoust
ic velocities of the samples were measured from the samples at pressures to
10 GPa in a diamond-anvil cell with a methanol-ethanol-water pressure medi
um. Elastic stiffness constants (C-ij) and their pressure dependencies (par
tial derivative C-ij/partial derivative P) were calculated, as were aggrega
te elastic noduli (K-s and G) and their respective pressure derivatives. Th
e Cauchy relations changed with pressure for both grossular and andradite,
suggesting that assuming these are constant is not valid for extrapolation
to high pressures for these and possibly other minerals. The variation in p
artial derivative K-s/dP and partial derivative G/partial derivative P was
sensitive to composition and required a complex mixing model for extrapolat
ion of end-member elasticity values from garnets of intermediate compositio