Although duplex scan and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) provide relia
ble and noninvasive tests for detecting extracranial carotid artery disease
, they sometimes fail to differentiate between high-grade stenosis and tota
l carotid occlusion. Helical computed tomographic angiography (CTA) is a sa
fe, noninvasive technique that allows the rapid acquisition of data that ca
n be reconstructed into two- and three-dimensional images, axial images can
be magnified and provide a cross-sectional view of the carotid vessel and
the atherosclerotic plaque. Maximal intensity projection technique allows d
ata to be reconstructed into images that closely resemble conventional arte
riograms. Helical CTA has previously been shown to have a diagnostic accura
cy approaching 90%. We present two case reports demonstrating the utility o
f helical CTA in carotid artery imaging when duplex scan and MRA results ar
e ambiguous. These cases illustrate improved carotid imaging with helical C
TA. Duplex scan results are unreliable in the presence of thick calcified p
laques. and severe stenoses can be misread as occlusion by duplex and MRA d
ue to low blood flow. Thus, helical CT angiography should be considered as
a confirmatory test, before arteriography, when duplex scan or MRA results
are equivocal.